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Scientific Software Engineering


Models and sensor data: a powerful combination

Models and sensor data are an indispensible combination. Sensor data is needed to validate models and the models are often necessary to understand and extrapolate the data. VORtech has been working a two very exciting projects in the past few months in which sensor data and models are combined in an innovative application.
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Digital Twins in Asset Management

When I first heard the term Digital Twin, I was immediately fascinated. It opens up an entire new realm of simulation.
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10 Rules for Scientific Software Engineering

In the 20 years that VORtech has been in the business of scientific software engineering, we've seen many different codes and witnessed many different development processes.
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Fortran is alive!

Fortran is alive! Mark Roest considers five reasons why the Fortran programming language isn't dead and survived the punchcard.
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Why bother with computational models if you’ve got data?

Are we indeed witnessing the end of traditional mathematical modelling and should its practitioners be looking for a new job?
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