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How accurate were the forecasts for 2024?

VORtech develops computational software, both for and with clients. Much of this software is used to forecast something. From water levels to traffic flows, from the growth of sustainable energy sources to emissions from chemical processes. But not every forecast can be computed. Sometimes, it just takes human intuition. To close the year 2023, we thought it would be interesting to see if humans can collectively make good forecasts for a number of such things. By know, we know the answer to the first question.
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News about the team

VORtech has been growing relatively quickly in recent years. While we have hired an average of one additional employee per year, we have hired five new colleagues in the past year. Read more about our new toppers Martine, Sander, Mat, Hunter and Edo (from left to right in the photo) in our blog.
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Winners of the Pi-day challenge 2023

The Pi-dag challenge 2023 has three very convincing winners. It was clearly a nice challenge for software engineers with a knack for mathematics. There were some very interesting and surprising solutions. Some made creative use of loopholes in the rules, but all displayed true coding skill.
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4 takeaways from the 2023 SIAM conference on Computational Science and Engineering

The 2023 edition in Amsterdam offered a showcase of everything that is going on in the field, from software management, digital twins, and machine learning to impressive applications.
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The Pi-day challenge 2023

For all scientific programmers out there that enjoy a solid challenge: submit your Python solution for the Pi-day challenge 2023 on April 20 at the latest.
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25th Anniversary Symposium: “Computer Models in the Workplace: towards Digital Twins and Beyond”

To celebrate our 25th anniversary with our customers, we organize a symposium on Tuesday the 28th of September in the afternoon. The theme will be computer models and algorithms for operational use. We’ll be looking back to where the field came from, but certainly also ahead to what is coming.
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Woudschoten Conference: Highlight for Applied Mathematicians

The forty-second Woudschoten Conference was held at the Woudschoten Conference Centre, Zeist, The Netherlands from 4-6 October 2017.
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Summer School: Data Assimilation

The Summer school "Data Assimilation and its Applications in Oceanography, Hydrology, Risk & Safety and Reservoir Engineering" in Sibiu, Romania.
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Internet of Things event 2017

On March 14, 2017, the second edition of the Internet of Things event took place in Rotterdam. VORtech was one of the partners of this event.
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Meetup Data Science in Industry

On Thursday February 23, 2017, VORtech hosted our first Meetup on Data Science: "Data Science in Industry"
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